LNT,Leave No Trace (無痕旅遊)
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2009年6月19日 星期五


Phpbb3 “Log me on automatically each visit” won’t work.

This is English verison

I encountered this issue, go online and couldn’t find the right solution. After a good night sleep, I got it working next day late evening.

Here is a quick check. You open the browser and go to phpbb url. You don’t have to login. Open the browser’s cookie setting, you probably won’t see cookies generated regarding to it.

A phpbb3 cookie should be something like the following:
IE 7: cookie:/user@domain_name
Firefox : domain_name/cookie_files <= domain_name is a folder with couple cookie files. Why auto login won’t work?
Because of the cookie wasn’t generated and stored with browser’s temporary file folder. And the cookie is in charge of this function.

If the browser supports new web page in TAB, you may find login phpbb in one page, then open another phpbb’s in new tab, with root path. You will not find yourself login.

Why does the cookie wasn’t generated? & solution
There are two scenarios:
Scenario A – most common, DNS done by others, ISP or network administrator
Ask ISP for your domain name and simply type them in phpbb => ACP / Admin Control Panel => Server Configuration => cookie settings => cookie domain => edit and save.
Under cookie domain, simply type the domain name without “phpbb’s path.”
Correct example 1: yourdomain.com
Correct example 2: host.yourdomain.com
Correct example 3, for using dynamic DNS service: host.dnydns.com
Wrong example 1: http://yourdomain.com/phpbb
Wrong example 2:
Wrong example 3: none.existdomain.com
You can leave other setting alone and it should work fine, such as the cookie name, path, and secure field. Basically that’s my setting. Some people suggest the cookie name

Logout and login see if it works. If not, clean your browser’s cookie and try again. It should work now.

The previous discussion was mentioned that add a leading dot within cookie domain, example: .host.yourdomain.com <= well, mine don’t required this to work. However, if the problem persist, try add a leading dot. Here is a brief technical information. I think the reason is because phpBB only takes FQDN, Fully Qualified Domain Name. If the setting wasn’t FQDN and cannot resolved by DNS server, it won’t generate cookie to do the job.

Scenario B – not common, DNS done by yourself

In this case, maybe you set up phpbb within an intranet or private LAN / IP environment, use it within company or personal use.

You must set up and configure DNS, and pointed to the phpbb’s host IP address.
Your network card’s DNS setting can access the DNS server and resolve the domain name.

Then just follow scenario A’s step, make sure phpbb is properly configured.

Original question asked.
Log me on automatically each visit, don't work : 14 pages

[HELP]Auto login Not working : 4 pages

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